Quick Search :


 1 : Which of these is a documented hoax virus?
A: McDonalds screensaver B: Alien.worm
C: Merry Xmas D: Adolph

 2 : What is FMD?
A: FastEthernet Measuring Device B: Flashing Media Diode
C: Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc D: Flash Media Driver

 3 : What does ICMP stand for?
A: Internet Connection Modem Protocol B: Intranet Control Message Program
C: Internal Conflict Management Program D: Internet Control Message Protocol

 4 : What is RISC?
A: Remodeled Interface System Computer B: Remote Intranet Secured Connection
C: Runtime Instruction Set Compiler D: Reduced Instruction Set Computer

 5 : The first graphical browser for the WWW was named:
A: Netscape B: Veronica
C: Mosaic D: Explorer

 6 : What is a MAC?
A: A Computer made by Apple B: Memory Address Corruption
C: Mediocre Apple Computer D: Media Access Control

 7 : What is the Websites code for the country United Kingdom?

 8 : What is the World Wide Web?
A: A computer game B: A software program
C: The part of the Internet that enables information-sharing via interconnected pages D: Another name for the Internet

 9 : In 1983, which person was the first to offer a definition of the term ‘computer virus’?
A: McAfee B: Smith
C: Cohen D: Norton

 10 : According to CNN, how much did Internet traffic increase between 1994 and 1996?
A: Two times B: Five times
C: Ten times D: Twenty-five times