1. "The fathers of the Internet" is Answer :Vint Cerf 2. Which is the news search engine introduced by Rediff.com in 2012? Answer : Realtime News Search 3. The inventor of the World Wide Web? Answer : Tim Berners-Lee (The first web browser was invented in 1990
by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was called WorldWideWeb and was later
renamed Nexus.) 4. The founder of Netscape Communications? Answer : Marc Andreessen - co-authored Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser and he founded Netscape Communications. 5.Where was the first computer installed in India? Answer :Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 6.In internet terminology IP means Answer : Internet Protocol 7. The first page of a website is called the Answer : Home page 8. A website addresss is a unique name that identifies a specific ____________ on the web. Answer : Link 9. A ______ is a computer attached to the internet that runs a
special web server software and can send web pages out to the other
computer over the internet. Answer : Web sever 10. Which software application is used for accessing sites or information on a network ( as the world wide web)? Answer : Web browser