Which operation has been launched by India to help the earthquake victims in Nepal - Maitri operation
India launched a relief and rescue operation in Nepal named Maitri for earthquake casualities. 24 choppers and military aircraft along with bus services through road route are involved in the rescue operations.
India also pressed nearly 1000 trained personnel of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) into service after Nepal on 25th April 2015 was struck by the worst earthquake in 80 years in which more than 2500 people were killed.
Parts of the Operation Maitri- Multi National Coordination Centre has been initiated
- Head quarters are constituted for relief operations in PPO Pokhra
Who has won the 2015 Heinz Award at MIT - Sangeeta Bhatia
Scientist, Sangeeta Bhatia won the prestigious 2015 Heinz Award, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Employment, Economy and Technology category. Since 1993, this was the 20th Heinz Award which is given annually.Artificial human microlivers for drug testing has been developed by Sangeeta Bhatia. She was honoured for her work in disease detection and tissue engineering. Microliver is a miniature model organ that makes it possible to test drug reactions predictively and efficiently, and could finally lead to an artificial human liver.
Her team founded the fabrication of artificial human microlivers, which are used to test the toxicity of drug candidates by many biopharmaceutical companies.
Asian Banker Achievement Award 2015 has been won by - Bharatiya Mahila Bank
Who has won the heavyweight title of Boxing - Wladimir Klitschko
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