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DCM - Department of Currency Management,RBI

DD - Demand Draft

DDS - Data Dissemination Standards

DEIO - Department of External Investmentsand Operations

DESACS - Department of Statistical Analysis& Computer Services, RBI

DGBA - Department of Government and BankAccounts, RBI

ACF - Auto-Correlation Function

AD - Authorized Dealer

ADB - Asian Development Bank

ADR - American Depository Receipt

AFS - Annual Financial Statement

AGM - Annual GeneralMeeting

GoI - Government of India

GPD - Gross Primary Deficit

G-Sec - Government Securities

HDFC - Housing Development FinanceCorporation

HFT - Held For Trading

EEA - Exchange Equalization Account

EEC - European Economic Community

EEFC - Exchange Earners Foreign Currency

EFR - Exchange Fluctuation Reserve

EPF - Employees Provident Fund